Order Management API
Managing a Paybright Transaction
Order Management APIs are used for handling an order after the customer has completed the purchase. It is used for all actions you need to manage your orders. Examples being: updating, capturing, cancelling and refunding an order.
VCN Settlement Product
This section does not cover order management for the VCN Settlement Product. For order managment infomation on VCN see VCN Settlement APIs
Capture API is used to capture payment for a PayBright transaction. This API should be used when the merchant would like to execute two distinct authorization and capture events, as opposed to a singular event.
Refund API is used to refund the customer for part of or all of their purchase, If it has already been captured. This will initiate a process in which transferred funds are pulled back from the merchant and the customer's payment plan total and installment amounts are adjusted accordingly.
Void API is used to cancel or delete an authorized PayBright transaction (for example, when a customer decides to cancel their order before it is captured or fulfilled). Voiding an authorized charge permanently cancels a loan. Void API can only be used if there are two distinct authorization and capture events.
Updated about 3 years ago