Transactions Report

Use Transaction Report to get details of all customer transactions

Running a Transactions Report

Transactions Report can be used to fetch the details of all past customer transactions. Transactions report provide details like Customer Name, Transaction Date, Agreement Number, Purchase Amount within a time period specified in the Response Body of the Transactions Report API.


Tip: Transaction Report can also be run from the PayBright portal optionally.

To run a transaction report, you will need to create the signature using the API Key and API Token shared with you by the PayBright team.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "x_account_id": "Z9s7Yt0Txsqbbx",
    "x_test": "true",
    "x_transaction_type": "reports",
    "x_url_callback": "",
    "x_signature": "3a59e201a9b8692702b8c41dcba476d4a46e5f5c",
    "x_datefrom": "07/01/2020",
    "x_reportname": "transactions"

PayBright will send a response of Transactions Report API call as a POST request to x_url_callback and also to the initial request. You should receive a response that looks like this:

[{"x_customer_name":"Jamie Testhet","x_transaction_date":"7/16/2020 10:27:13
Testhet","x_transaction_date":"7/1/2020 7:00:57

The following data will be returned for the Transaction Reports:

CustomerEmailEmail address of the customer
CustomerNameFull name of the customer
TransactionDateDate and time of customer transaction
AgreementNoUnique number identifying the loan agreement between the customer and PayBright
PurchaseAmountAmount of the purchased products/services by the customer
MerchantAmountAmount that will be paid to the merchant, this is the PurcahseAmount minus any fees (admin, refund, or credit card)
InterestRateInterest rate to be charged to the customer
MonthsOriginal duration of the customer loan
MonthsRemainingNumber of months remaining in the customer's contract
OutstandingBalanceAmount of the loan amount that the customer still needs to pay
DescripSystem generated messaged describing payment transaction
ReferenceUnique number identifying an order assigned by the merchant
InvoiceUnique number identifying the invoice of purchased products/service the customer receives from the merchant system
DescriptionFree text field where merchant users can include a message
DealIdUnique number provided for FX when non-CAD currency is used for a transaction
CaptureAmountTotal amount of payment captured by the merchant; this value may be less than the PurchaseAmount when the payment for different items in the order are captured at different points in time
SettlementAmountInCADIf a transaction is settled between PayBright and the merchant in USD then the equivalent CAD amount will be displayed
SettlementAmountInUSDIf a transaction is settled between PayBright and the merchant in USD then the USD amount will be displayed
AdminFeeFee charged to merchant to process a transaction
CreditcardFeeFee charged to merchant for credit card purchases
RefundFeeFee charged to merchant to process a customer refund
FunderIdentified entity providing the loan to the customer (e.g. PayBright or GoEasy)

Please check the API Reference for more Transactions Report API details.

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